Tag Archives: Andrew Garfield

Never Let Me Go

11 Oct
Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus premiere - Sep...

Image via Wikipedia

Today, I went right from work to meet Allie at the Landmark to finally see NEVER LET ME GO.

I hadn’t read the novel the movie is based on, but even before the film was released, I knew mostly what it was about, so I knew it was going to be depressing as hell.  It was. It was also beautiful, and made me really think about how we value life, our own and that of others.  The cast was incredible, Carey Mulligan is beautiful and so talented, Kiera Knightly really impressed me, and well, I’m now totally in love with Andrew Garfield.  Two movies in and I’m on that train for sure.  I’ll totally go see him in that Spiderman reboot even though I couldn’t care less about comic books or movies based on comic books.

Now, I’m checking my email, reading through my google feed and decompressing after the emotionally exhausting experience of being pulled into a film like Never Let Me Go.  It makes me want to go live in England.

Sorry I’ve been so quiet lately, I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed so I find that stepping back a bit helps keep me grounded.

Do you feel emotionally involved in movies? What’s your favorite movie?

Eyes, Movies, Dance!

10 Oct

Yesterday morning I headed out for my first “long run” of my Phoenix half-marathon training.  We ended up walking almost all of our 7 miler, but I’m just glad we got out there and made the distance.  My IT band was super tight and sore, so when I got home I stretched it out.

I had an eye appointment at 1pm which I was really excited about because I hadn’t had my eyes checked in two years, and I’d broken my glasses so…yeah, hadn’t been wearing them. =X  I’m near sighted, but my right eye is stronger than my left, so I have a different RX in each eye.  It’s not terrible, just a small prescription, but it does make a difference.  My new eye doctor is really nice (and also very handsome,) and my prescription had changed.  In fact, my eye is better, so my prescription went down a bit! Yay!  I ordered my new glasses, and they fixed my old pair so I would have something to wear in the week or so that I’ll be waiting on my new glasses.

When I got home, my friend Allie sent me a text asking if I wanted to see NEVER LET ME GO with her that evening. I’d been wanting to see it, so I said of course, and we planned to meet to see a 9pm showing.

For dinner, we roasted a chicken and had some cous-cous, it was good, but I wish we’d had something else to add to the dish.

When I got to the theater, I tried to purchase my ticket, only to find out the show was sold out!  We went to the little bar next to the theater for a drink and decided to see THE SOCIAL NETWORK at 10:40pm instead.  Allie had already seen it, but it was really the only other movie we both were really excited about.  I do want to see IT’S KIND OF A FUNNY STORY, but I wasn’t really feelin it last night.  I was super disappointed we couldn’t see NEVER LET ME GO.

I was pleasantly surprised by THE SOCIAL NETWORK.  After hearing all the hype, I was somewhat skeptical, but it was good!  Also, Andrew Garfield is totally adorable, so that helped 🙂

This morning I was supposed to go on a hike with the girls, but getting home around 1:30am and not sleeping very well, I decided to skip and sleep in.  While I was sleeping in I had a voice mail from my Irish dance teacher, and after calling her back, I agreed to take a place in one of our teams again this year at the Oireachtas (regionals).  I can’t believe I’m doing this again, but the competition is up in Sacramento, so I can stay with my parents in San Francisco most likely, and only take one day off from work to drive up there.  I’m amped.  I think the Irish dance practices along with my half-marathon training will be a great combination.  It does however, mean that I have to skip out on the LA Prostrate 5k which is a bummer.

Tonight, we are going to our friend’s house for dinner.  While we were grocery shopping I picked up some food for lunch today.

The best part?  There are leftovers for lunch tomorrow! 🙂 Win.